CMEN 2019 Gathering Feedback Form:

Which CMEN Gathering?

Name (optional):
Email (optional):

Phone No. (optional):
Session (Arrival – Departure) Dates?
Including this gathering, how many CMEN Naturist Gatherings have you attended?

What did you like the most about this gathering?

Which social hour(s) did you enjoy the most?

Please list any suggestions you have for future social hour themes:

Which meals did you enjoy the most:

Suggestions for food in future gatherings:

Which evening shows did you enjoy the most?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions for new evening shows next year?

Which activities and events did you enjoy the most?

Do you have any other ideas for activities and events for future Gatherings?

Which workshops (and playshops) did you enjoy the most?

Do you have any other ideas for workshops for future Gatherings?

Would you be interested in improving a future gathering by presenting a workshop or other activity?

If so, please describe what you would like to do. Please also include your name and email address at the top of this form.

The pool temperature was:

Please rate your overall experience at this CMEN Gathering:

Improvements to make future CMEN Gatherings even better:

CMEN is an entirely volunteer run club.  Any new activity, new program or change offered at a CMEN gathering must have a willing volunteer to make it happen.

  1. Good: You can submit a suggestion or problem. We very much appreciate your input. It
    will be discussed at CMEN committee meetings. This has a possible chance of being implemented or corrected.
  2. Better: You can submit a suggestion or problem and a solution. We do appreciate the
    input. It will be discussed at CMEN committee meetings. This will have a better chance of inplementation
    if a volunteer if found to make it happen. This has a likelier chance of being corrected.
  3. Best: You can submit a suggestion or problem, a solution, and volunteer to inplement
    the solution. This has the best chance of happening just the way you want it! Of course, this has the best chance of the problem being corrected! If you are interested in volunteering please make sure include your name and email address at the top of this form. Thanks in advance.

What improvements would you suggest for future Gatherings*:

How would you suggest implementing these improvements?

Would you like to help with the planning for future CMEN Gatherings?

If so, what would you like to do? Please include your name and email address at the top of this form.

Additional Comments:

Thank you for your feedback.