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Celebrate Nude Recreation Week July 8-14

Following America’s celebration of our nation’s independence on July 4th, another major holiday period is celebrated, Nude Recreation Week, July 8-14, 2019.
Nude Recreation Week is a celebration of naturism around the world and an opportunity to encourage first timers to enjoy clothes-free relaxation during the week wherever they are. Nude Recreation week began as National Nude Weekend in 1976, a part of the American “free beach” movement of the 1970’s.
Skinny-dipping, a wholesome tradition as old as mankind and frequently honored in art and movies, celebrates the natural joy of plunging into water without hindrance of clothing. The American Association for Nude Recreation is encouraging celebration a skinny-dipping events at participating clubs and legally-sanctioned nude beaches throughout North America. Last year’s record setting Skinny-Dip included 13,648 participants.
Nude sunbathing and swimming have a long history in America. Acording to tradition some of the more famous early nude recreation enthusiasts included Presidents George Washington and John Quincy Adams. Presidents John Quincy Adams and Teddy Roosevelt used to enjoy nude swimming in the Potomac river. And Benjamin Franklin greatly enjoyed his daily outdoor “air baths” as he called them while wearing just his birthday suit. Many more presidents such as FDR enjoyed skinny dipping. And Norman Rockwell’s painting titled No Swimming showing skinny dipping at the local water hole, graced the front cover of The Saturday Evening Post on June 4, 1921.
According to a Wall Street Journal article, nude recreation is one of the fastest growing segments of the travel industry. Nude vacationers now have choices such as cruises (on such lines as Holland America, Carnival, and Star Flyer sponsored by Bare Necessities of Austin Texas), upscale resorts, and rural campgrounds and clubs. According to the AANR nude recreation has become a $400 million niche segment within the travel industry.
According to an American Association for Nude Recreation national survey, people are becoming more comfortable with their bodies and nude recreation. It found that 19% of Americans have skinny-dipped in mixed company, and 18% would consider visiting a clothing-optional resort or nude beach.
In a national survey conducted by Yesawich, Pepperdine, Brown, & Russell/Yankelovich Partners, 12% of adults responded to the survey that they consider a resort that offered a nude recreation experience extremely desirable. Compared to only 10% of adults saying the same about a golf vacation, and only 6% saying the same about a tennis vacation, it is easy to see that vacationing at nudist resorts is on the rise in popularity.
In Califorina, a 2009 independent opinion survey commissioned by the Naturist Education Foundation found that 40 percent of California adults have been skinny-dipping or nude sunbathing with others.
Nude Recreation Week is a also great time to explore local clothing optional recreation areas and resorts and experience the personal liberation, stress-relief, and simple comfort of nudism.
New to Nude Recreation?
The The Naturist Society is encouraging first-timers to try their everyday tasks in the buff. “We would like to spend this National Nude Recreation Week celebrating the nude human form as inherently wholesome and natural,” explained Nicky Hoffman, President of TNS. “We realize that nude recreation may not be for everyone, but we urge you to give it a try. You just might like it!”
John Kinman, President of American Association for Nude Recreation explained. “Nude Recreation Week gives the public an opportunity to try something new while at the same time allowing nudists across the country to celebrate the freedom of clothes free travel and recreation, in appropriate settings.” The AANR has released a list of five things for those looking to try something new in the comfort of their own home:
- Cool off: skinny dip in your backyard pool.
- Make housekeeping fun: ditch those clothes, turn on some music and get out the mop.
- Get in touch with nature: shed those threads and grab your garden tools for some nude gardening.
- Exercise: hit the treadmill or dust off one of the workout videos.
- Telecommute: working from home, in the nude, is in fact increasing in popularity.
Nude Recreation Week teaches people that it is about time they try a new and fun vacation experience. Give a nudist club, resort or clothing optional resort a call for more information. Celebrate Nude Recreation Week or any week for that matter in your birthday suit. You will be glad that you did.
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