Almost Malibu Gathering

Volunteer Registration

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Filling out your volunteer choices before the gathering will significantly speed up your registration at camp. You will be able to go directly to the registration tent to pick up your name badge and swag bag and get on with the activities of the gathering.

Volunteer sign up is open for Almost Malibu! Clicking the link below will take you to the list of areas to volunteer.

The areas defined:

  • CMEN Café are all of the jobs associated with meal service
  • Gathering Spot is where you sign up for social events and locations
  • Registration has all of the jobs associated with Registration
  • Specialties are the jobs for special areas (Jiffy Lube, recycling, etc.)
  • Wet Spot/Daddy’s Place are the bars
  • Divas is where you can sign up to be a Diva. You must be willing to coordinate volunteers to accomplish the necessary tasks.

To sign up for a job:

  1. Click the area you are interested in
  2. Find the job you want to do and click the Sign-Up link
  3. Fill out your personal information including your Member ID

    Please use the email address you used to sign up for the gathering!!

  4. Click Submit
Please remember that you are signing up for your daily job during your stay. It is your contribution to a successful gathering.

Click here to choose your volunteer job